Evalto, Inc. Relaunches Business as GRC Software Consulting Firm

Evalto, Inc. was originally incorporated by Doug Campbell in Illinois in 2001 as an independent software firm as a side-business and opportunity to continually learn more about new technology. We worked on all sorts of major development projects for Caterpillar, YouthBuild McLean County, Specialty Freight Services, Performance Freight, and several others. We built and hosted almost 100 web sites, developed a e-newsletter hosting service, and developed a web monitoring service. After moving to Iowa in 2014, we decided to become more focused on other aspects of life and slowly transitioned services to other providers before officially closing the business in December 2015.

Well that didn't last long....

In 2017, Doug changed jobs from State Farm to be a consultant for Berkley Technology Services via The Palmer Group as a W-2 employee. After realizing he loved being a consultant, he re-incorporated Evalto, Inc. as an Iowa business in 2019 and switched to 1099/C2C arrangement.

Now Evalto, is reborn with a singular focus on software and consulting services for GRC platforms such as RSA Archer. We are very excited about helping the companies using Archer be more efficient and get the most value out of their investment.


More to announce soon! Stay tuned!